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Great Reads for Good Food

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Boost Your Vitamin C Levels This Winter

Ascorbic acid, better known as vitamin C, is a water soluble vitamin that promotes a healthy immune system. It's a vital vitamin that aids in the healing of wounds, getting rid of infections, and stopping the spread of bacteri...

Stomach Ulcer? Here is What You Need to Know and What Foods to Avoid

In the simplest terms, a stomach ulcer is an open sore residing in this part of the abdomen. What you put into your stomach can have a direct impact on how you are able to control the ulcer symptoms. W...

Understanding Caffeine, Its Various Effects, and How Much is a Safe Amount

You are not alone if you enjoy a cup of coffee to jumpstart your day each morning. But what do you know about caffeine and its potential effects on your body? You may be surprised that this stimu...

Best Fruits to Incorporate Into Your Diet for a Powerful Immunity Boost

It is that time of the year when fresh fruit becomes more readily available, less expensive, and more delicious. Lean into this season by increasing your intake of various fruits in an array of colo...

How to Maintain a Healthy Diet for Overall Wellness

Unlike adults, young people face more challenges maintaining a healthy diet because their bodies keep growing and developing, and they need a nutritious diet to support the process. Therefore, eating a balanced variety o...

Struggling With Getting Enough Quality Sleep? Try Eating These Foods

Everyone understands that getting quality sleep each night is essential for good overall health. The problem is that this sleep can often be elusive for many people. Did you know that what you eat may ...

How to Adjust Your Daily Diet Choices to Support Weight Loss Efforts

It can be a real struggle to shed those unwanted pounds and keep them off. All of the exercise in the world will not help if you are not willing to take a close look at your diet. Here are five ways th...

Natural Ways to Boost the Immune System

Natural Ways to Boost the Immune System With the Coronavirus still raging on, according to most experts, millions of people are exercising extreme caution in where they go, what they touch, and with whom they come in contact. People ...

Entering Your Golden Years? Here is What You Need to Eat for Good Health

Just because you have finally reached the golden years of your life, it does not mean that you can stop being intentional in your eating habits. In fact, this is one of the most important seasons o...